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Credo AI Platform Installer v2024.11 Release Notes

The highlights that follow include the top features, enhancements, and bugfixes in this release.


  • Platform release Credo AI v2024.11.0
  • Initial support for new asset loading and related tenant configuration
    • Assets are now distributed with the application so the S3 Policy Bucket configuration is no longer needed.
  • Entitlements configuration change. If LicenseField value is set, create and use secret instead of configmap. The old configmap will be used if LicenseField value is empty.
    • When the secret is created and used, the old configmap may remain. It is safe to remove this configmap if the secret exists.
  • Automatically add S3 storage endpoint to Content-Security-Policy's connect-src
    • Additional sources for connect-src can be configured in the KOTS Admin Console configuration screen.