VM Installation (Embedded Cluster)
These steps are specific to embedded cluster setups.
Connect to Host
Send Assets (air gap only)
If you are in an air-gapped environment, send the kurl.sh
cluster installer bundle to the host:
scp ./credoai.tar.gz user@embeddedhost.example.com:~
SSH to Host
Connect to the host to install the embedded cluster
ssh user@embeddedhost.example.com
Install Cluster
Run kurl.sh (online only)
Run the online install script:
curl -sSL https://kurl.sh/credoai | sudo bash
Run kurl.sh (airgap only)
Unpack the kurl.sh installer bundle and run the install script:
# unpack the bundle
tar -xzvf ./credoai.tar.gz
# install the cluster
cat install.sh | sudo bash -s airgap
Retrieve kotsadmin information
After the installation is complete you will see a dump of information on the terminal.
The kotsadmin url and password is listed in this information along with a command to reset the password.
Credo AI recommends changing and recording the password in a safe place, along with the reset command (i.e., kubectl kots reset-password default).
Login with password (will not be shown again): WNkSe56XC
This password has been set for you by default. It is recommended that you change this password; this can be done with the following command: kubectl kots reset-password default
Continue with Common Installation
Complete the Common Installation