Existing Cluster Installation
These steps are specific to existing cluster setups. Refer to the following reference material for more information
Install kots (online only)
Install the kots cli plugin from an online script and install the kotsadmin with the credoai application into the cluster.
## install kots cli and kotsadm
curl https://kots.io/install | bash
## install the credoai kots application (default namespace)
kubectl kots install credoai
## install the credoai kots application to a specific namespace
kubectl kots install credoai -n credoai-ns
This command will start a port foward that can be used to visit the kotsadmin UI.
Install kots (airgap only)
Install the kots cli plugin using these instructions and the kots cli bundle downloaded from the Customer Download Portal
Push kots images from the kotsadmin bundle (kotsadm.tar.gz) downloaded from the Customer Download Portal.
set up access to your private registry (example ECR)
RW_PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password)
# use the following command the push kotsadmin images to your repo
kubectl kots admin-console push-images ./kotsadm.tar.gz $REGISTRY_HOST \
--registry-username $RW_USERNAME \
--registry-password $RW_PASSWORD
Install kotsadmin and add the credoai kots application.
# set registry namespace that you pushed kotsadmin images to
# set up read-only access to your private registry (example ECR)
RO_PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password)
# install using kots cli
kubectl kots install credoai \
--kotsadm-registry $REGISTRY_HOST \
--kotsadm-namespace $REGISTRY_NAMESPACE \
--registry-username $RO-USERNAME \
--registry-password $RO-PASSWORD
Add the Credo AI kots application to kotsadmin and have kotsadmin listen on a local port
# example using credoai kubernetes namespace
$ kubectl kots install credoai
Enter the namespace to deploy to: credoai
• Deploying Admin Console
• Creating namespace ✓
• Waiting for datastore to be ready ✓
Enter a new password to be used for the Admin Console: ••••••••
• Waiting for Admin Console to be ready ✓
• Press Ctrl+C to exit
• Go to http://localhost:8800 to access the Admin Console
Continue with Common Installation
Complete the Common Installation