SSO with Okta OIDC
To begin configuring SSO with Okta OIDC, first ensure you have an Okta SPA and custom authorization server set up. This guide will show you a functioning setup that you may customize for your organization.
Okta SPA
Create a new Okta app integration
Select OIDC - OpenID Connect type
Select a Single Page Application which is also known as a SPA.
Give the SPA a name and a grant types of Authorization Code and Refresh Token
Use the designated hostname for the self-hosted Credo AI application for Sign-In redirect URIs and the hostname + /logged-out.html
for the Sign-Out redirect URIs
Set the user access according to your organization policy.
After you create the SPA, retrieve the client id for later app config
Okta Custom Authorization Server
The Credo AI application requires an authorization server to verify access tokens. We recommend creating a new one dedicated to the CredoAI application.
New Custom Auth Server Setup
Add a new authorization server.
Fill in a name and audience. In this example we are using credoai
Configure Trusted Origins.
Use the designated hostname of the self-hosted Credo AI application for Origin URL.
Add the credoai.roles
Add the following claims
This shows the sub
access claim in more detail with a value of user.getInternalProperty("id")
This shows the
access claim in more detail with a value starting with credoai-
This shows the
id claim in more detail with a value starting with credoai-
This shows the
access claim in more detail with a value of credoai
This shows the
id claim in more detail with a value of credoai
Add access policies to the auth server according to your organizational policies.
Retrieve the audience and issuer uri for later app config
Credo AI Configuration
Once you have the client id from the SPA and the audience and issuer uri from the authorization server, you can configure the Credo AI application SSO.
Client ID
Enter the client id
ID Token and Access Token Audiences
Enter the audience in both ID token and access token audiences
Issuer and Authority
Enter the issuer url for the issuer and authority fields
Use the issuer url in the format <issuer url>/v1/keys
for the jwks url
UserInfo URL
Use the issuer url in the format <issuer url>/v1/userinfo
for the userinfo url